An intensive ‘hands on’ (minimal classroom), foundational course that requires no prior handgun experience or knowledge. Covers handgun function, parts terminology, ammunition, loading and unloading, safe and professional gun handling, grip, body position, sighting, triggering and recoil control. Students will learn precision shooting using electronic ‘dot’ sights; and then progress to reactive targets in timed courses of fire and holster draw with conventional sights. Students will follow and give sports-action range commands, the basics of Range Safety Officer and enforcing safety rules. Final segment covers rapid fire/CQ techniques culminating in a home-invasion defense scenario. Course is six to eight hours conducted on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm with a 45 minute break for lunch.
Successful completion of this course is a prerequisite and foundation for all other courses. Open to students age 12 and above. Minors under age 12 are accepted on a ‘case by case’ basis. Students who successfully complete this course can expect to have skills on par with a first-year sports action shooter. An optional certificate of successful completion is available to students who score 95% or more on a post training exam.
Only available for a minimum group of eight students, call or email for group rates.
Prerequisite: 101 or equivalent
Course is an application of skills from the 101 course with firearms to learn the critical mental discipline or ‘zen’ of the handgun. Class is approximately four hours beginning at 10:00 am. Open to minors accompanied by parent or legal guardian.
Adult, Private Session: $450 Parent & Minor: $550
Location: Local Outdoor Range
Prerequisite: 101
A continuation of 101 and preparation for 103. Students will practice draw and fire for time, engage IDPA silhouette targets with movement in timed courses of fire to learn rapid sighting and instinctive shooting methods. Course is conducted indoors. Class is six hours beginning at 9:00 am. All equipment is supplied at no additional charge.
Course has been integrated into the 101 Course
Prerequisite: 101
What swords are to fencing, this course is an excursion into ‘force on force’ tactical handgun competition against an equivalent opponent using infrared laser equipped handguns. It is first person 3D gaming in real life designed to hone tactical and reactive skills in a thrilling real-life ‘gun fight’. Students wear laser sensing vests while using limited magazine guns to effect hits on opponents in a scenario that is timed and scored. Ammunition is limited and tactical skill is paramount. Win or lose, you will learn.
Course is currently in development. Fees yet to be determined.
Prerequisite: 101, 201 or equivalent training strongly recommended
Two day class to fulfill the 16 hours of training required for the California CCW permit, Orange County. Classroom portion covers self-defense laws and responsibilities, mental preparedness, fight or flight decision-making, strategies to avoid or evade potential lethal threats and what to do after a defensive shooting. Range work will include basic marksmanship, holster draw and defensive movement, use of cover and concealment, close quarters defensive handgun techniques and shooting while on the move.
Course conducted by Allsafe Defense Systems:
Prerequisite: be a SAG/AFTRA/DGA member, credited actor/actress, theatre/film student or production professional.
An intensive full day course to prepare actors to competently audition and function in roles that require handling of pistols, shotguns and rifles. Course focuses on manipulation, operation, holster draw and tactical movements commonly portrayed in contemporary TV, film and video production. Course includes live fire to expose students to the experience of firing real guns.
Course Fee: $350 (can be discounted or waived in consideration for a model release and promotional work)
Prerequisites: NRA Pistol Instructor & RSO Certifications, 101, 201
A multi-phase program to prepare competent handgun instructors to train the ‘Silverado Method’ and become eligible for sanctioned training referrals. Candidates must hold current NRA Pistol Instructor and RSO certificates (or LE equivalent) and successfully complete the 101 and 201 courses. Program candidates will then receive instruction on the science behind the method and the challenges of training it. Candidates will first assist and then co-train with an SSA 201 instructor. The final phase is a successful solo training under the supervision of SSA Staff. This multi-day program can be completed on a flexible time-table.
Call for information and scheduling.